Bookie business has become a very popular choice in the twenty-first century due to its online convenience. Even for people who already have one full-time job, they can still build their own sportsbook for making extra money. So, why you should defin ...
Over/Under Blog: The Almost Playoffs
Welcome to a new feature on Price Per Head, The Over/Under Blog! We’ll tackle weird sports headlines, drop gems from the gambling department, and keep you entertained along the way. Over/Under: Hedging Your Futures Pick Before the Playoffs St ...
Famous Apps That Invade Your Privacy
Your phone knows almost all things about you such as your location, travel destination, contact list, emails and messages. The same applies to many of the apps you use and some are even much nosier. Let us list the worst apps that you may never imagi ...
How To Improve Your Marketing Communication
We all know that communication is the key to business success. Day-to-day communications are actually necessary because more options you can offer your customers the better. However, most of the players don’t like to be inundated with emails and text ...