If you have your own bookie blog and have been using Facebook and Twitter to promote your price per head betting operation, there are other great online social sites that you can try, including Youtube, one of the most popular web portals. In this article we give you some ideas on how you can use videos to let others about your wagering business.
Bookie Tips: Introduce Yourself to New Players
Remember the “About” section on your pay per head bookmaking blog? There is where you added a little introduction about you and your wagering operation, and you can do exactly the same in a video, which is a strategy that will certainly leave a good impression on those whom are just getting to know you.
How to Show Your Introductory Video to Possible Clients
Although having a bookie blog will doubtless help you to add more players to your betting portfolio, the majority of the customers that you’ll get will be those that took the time and read your posts on how your business works. To create a relatively long video (or series of small vids) is a great idea to reach out to those players that are not fond of reading.
When it comes to show such introductory videos to new bettors, you can ask for the email address of the possible new client and you can just send that person a link to such Youtube video (s). This is a particularly good idea when you are talking to players on the street and don’t want to sound too pushy.
Just handle people your business card and ask them for their email add and it is likely that you will indeed get some of those prospective customers to contact you back once they know more about what you can really do for them. Also remember that you can send the link (s) to your introductory video (s) to possible clients that you met on Facebook or Twitter.
Show Your Expertise with Prognostics
If you are the kind of bookie that is not camera-shy and love to come up with your own prognostics about upcoming sporting events, you can take the time of creating your very own videos where you help people with insights on favored teams or similar information.
By doing this, you will certainly attract the attention of many players whom are trying to be as informed as possible on the game that they are planning to bet on, and if you want some of those bettors to switch bookies and start wagering with you, we recommend you to add a toll free number people can dial in order to get in touch with you at the end of every video you create.
Instructional Vids are Great Too
Another similar idea is to create videos where you explain novice players about the different wagering types. You can for example create a vid on parlays and even come up with a couple of betting scenarios where parlays can be useful. You can also instruct people on which betting types they can start with and which ones are for the most knowledgeable bettors.
Share Some Testimonials
An excellent way to let others know that you are a trustful is by showing them some videos where some of your current clients tell people about their experience with you as a bookie.
If some clients are not fond of appearing in front of a camera you can alternatively ask them if its possible to record their voice and you can get creative and create your own video using their recorded voices. Another option is to create similar videos but with some catchy music and the testimonials of others in writing.