Bookmaker Website Tips: Implementing Site Search

Using a search text box on your sportsbook bookmaker website is quite relevant because it allows visitors to search for information bookmaker-website-tips-site-searchrelated to your pages.

There are a variety of free or non-expensive vertical search box kits out there, but the one that we truly recommend is Google Site Search as it is easy to start with and it is also considerably cheap.


Top Benefits for your Bookmaker Website


There are two key benefits of implementing a search box:

  1. Developing Usability: It is ideal to add a search box on your price per head bookmaking website in order to develop usability and improve user retention. If the search box makes it possible for visitors to find what they need after they arrive to your site, then that means that it is actually working.

For example, a search box must be present on a shopping site which needs users to remain on-site after arriving. It is indeed quite convenient for visitors and also for the site as it increases its revenue.

  1. Feedback: A search box provides a cache of useful data. After browsing your bookmaker website, visitors leave valuable information concerning what they were looking for in their own words. This is great for your internal search engine optimization efforts as it allows you to know which keywords are working on your site and which ones you need to improve in order to be more compatible with actual searches plus it also gives you an idea of which extra pages you might need to add.


Large and Small Sites

A search box is key if your bookmaker website has many pages (a good example is an online magazine with many past issues) and other kinds of similar content. Sites which are smaller can also take advantage of a search box, but in order to work properly it must be especially customized.


Prevent Drawbacks

A top drawback related to a search box takes place when it actually doesn’t improve usability. When someone does a search and can’t find what he or she was looking for, then it is likely that such visitors are going to immediately leave the site. You really want to avoid getting users confused and for that reason you need to make sure that the technical tool that you are using is performing as expected.

Make sure to examine your bookmaker website in order to figure out how to implement clear navigation related to properly organized content. It is always better to let users find their way around your site instead of providing them with a shortcut that leads to nowhere.

If you decide that you want to add a search box, you really need to have full control over the presentation of results in order to maximize the chances of showing visitors exactly what they want.


Keep Visitors on your Site

A search box can prevent users from quickly abandoning your site and also increases the time they spend researching your pages, which is quite positive for your PageRank. When you manage to keep people on your site, you are slowly but surely leading them to the conversion path.

The more they explore, the more they get hooked. Once you have implemented a search box, you need to constantly check on your site’s analytics in order to see if the results received by visitors are actually routing them in the right direction or causing them to take the first exit.

If you want your search box to work, you need to complement it with optimal navigation and a silos system. A combination like this is essential to provide visitors with a great experience with the aim of developing a beneficial relationship between you and prospective clients.

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