Do you want to learn how to become a bookie agent? We are offering you the ultimate guide to creating your own bookmaking business using casino and sportsbook software. Our very

own being a bookie for dummies!
How to Become a Bookie Agent: Where are you Now?
If you want to learn how to become a bookie agent, you must definitely have a reason for it. There is a driving force that is leading you to take such a life-changing decision.
Do you want to learn how to be a successful bookie because:
- There is a desire to learn how do bookies make money.
- A need to learn how to run a bookie operation properly.
- Currently, you are a regular bookmaker, but you want to learn how to be a good bookie.
- You just feel like starting a bookie business!
If you feel identified with any of the previous statements, this article can certainly clarify some of your doubts, and then some.
How to Become a Bookie Agent: The Steps
Here are the steps that you can follow in order to start a bookie business:
Step 1: Acquire Wisdom
The first step to learn how to become a bookie agent is to acquire as much knowledge as possible.
There are a number of important areas in which you can improve your skills, including:
- Business management.
- All-things sports (including previous and current stats for all teams and players of all major sporting leagues).
- Sports Betting.
- Gaming (including all casino games and pph poker).
- Interpersonal skills.
- Customer service.
Business management
Do you want to learn how to run a bookie gambling business with the intention of making a lot of money? If the answer is yes, you doubtlessly need to learn how to be a good manager. And, to get the job done, you need to be proficient at both: being a successful money-maker, and a leader of other sports betting agents.
Becoming a sports bookie involves numbers. For this reason, you should consider investing some of your valuable time into getting more knowledgeable about how math is used in a pay per head bookie business.
All-things sports
Getting to know each team and player is something you should also consider. Focus on the top leagues in the world.
And don’t forget to learn about players from singles sports such as tennis, golf, etc.
Focus on their stats related to previous and current injuries.
And, you can also search for information related to events that can change the state of a mind of a player.
For example, a given key player in a team lost a loved one, like a parent, or a son, right before a game. This can definitely influence on his performance for the day.
Sports Betting
In order to recruit players correctly, you need to talk their language. Learning how to become a bookie agent definitely involves knowing the different types of bets, and all things related to wagering on both sports, and horse racing betting.
A modern top bookmaker not only relies on sports betting as his bread and butter. Instead, he has added casino games and pph poker to his money-making arsenal of tools.
Interpersonal Skills
Learning how to start a bookie service also involves figuring out how to approach people in the best possible way.
If you are good at making friends and talking to people, then you are on your way! On the other hand, if you are not so used to talk to new people, maybe this is an area you should consider getting a little better at.
Customer Service
Ok, so you have mastered the art of interpersonal skills, and now you have a bookmaking and casino portfolio of players and gamblers.
When this becomes your reality, you need to start focusing on providing excellent customer service in order to keep your current clients happy. And playing with your bookmaking business.
Step 2: Get Funds
There is no point in learning how to become a bookie agent if you are not planning to get the funds that you need to get the operation going.
There are many ways in which you can acquire these funds, but the main ones are:
- Your Bank Account.
- Credit Cards or Other Types of Credit.
- Angel Investors.
- Friend or Family Member.
- Other Methods.
If you have some extra money in your bank account, then this is the best way to go. The reason is because you won’t need to pay anybody in the future. And all the profits will go directly to your pockets as a result.
Using credit cards, different credits, or angel investors means that you will need to put some money away out of your profits to pay them back. Or, you may also cut a deal where you make an investor a partner. It’s all up to you.
A friend or a family member can also either loan you the money you need, or partner up with you. If you take this option, remember that not paying back the cash that you owe to someone close to you can cause frictions and the loss of trust as a consequence.
Step 3: Get Bookie Software
Once you have acquired the necessary knowledge, and are sure that you have the funds to start a bookie business, you need to sign up with a pay per head sportsbook software provider.
They offer their clients a big, powerful, and exclusive offshore bookmaking service.
Once you sign up for an account, they can show you how to become a bookie agent. And grant you unlimited access to their wagering, and pay per head service expert advice.
They can teach you the fundamentals on how to run a sports betting and gaming operation, and the value of working with an underpriced offshore bookie software operator.
Once you have acquired your price per head software, suddenly your perspective of being a top bookmaker changes.
Although you have the skill required, you don’t have to do everything yourself, and your pressure is reduced.
Pay per head software gives you an enormous advantage, and it definitely put you in the spotlight.
This offshore bookmaking service is not only useful, it is actually part of your survival strategy to try to keep your clients from leaving you to play with the largest online sportsbooks.
Step 4: Grow your Portfolio of Clients
This is the last step in your journey to learn how to become a bookie agent. With everything in place, it’s time for you to start adding clients to your bookmaking and casino portfolio.
When you are at this stage, you must be good at approaching people. If you aren’t, and really don’t want to, don’t worry. You can also work with other sports betting agents that can get the customers for you.
What is important is that you count with a strategy that can help you add clients to your portfolio of clients on a regular basis.
And the reason is because not all people that become clients of your sports betting and gaming operation are going to keep on playing with you long-term. So, you need to be bringing new customers to replace those who leave.
As you can see, to learn how to become a bookie agent takes just four steps, and the more effort you put into it, the more profitable your business will be.