People have in theory a shorter attention span compared to a decade ago, so to remain focused on the tasks related to a Pay per Head Solutions business might seem stressful, so here is some related useful information that can help.
Pay per Head Solutions Tips: Social Media and the Web
Although you might want to spend some time checking out the social media for your Bookie Services website, don’t make it a habit to spend all your day-time working hours on things that are not either significant nor productive, and this includes staying away from addictive hobbies such as replying to every single new update you see in sites such as Facebook or Twitter…
When you are doing something of value for your Pay per Head Solutions business and suddenly you get distracted or interrupted, it will take you longer to return to your original ideas, which means that you are getting less things done.
Unfortunately, the modern era is synonymous with constant distractions, so much so, that the latter can be considered an integral part of most people’s lifestyles.
If you manage to remain focused on your important tasks, it can really be a transforming experience that can help you get to the professional milestones of your Bookmaking Solutions business even faster.
There is Hope
Paying attention is a skill that can be learned, so improving your current attention span is indeed possible and although it might take some practice, it can be done.
The Pomodoro Technique
Invented by an Italian by the name of Francesco Cirillo, this is a technique that will help you do things such as
- Reducing procrastination and anxiety
- Improve your focus and remain on track
- Concentrate better
- Keep motivated
Planning your Tasks
Before Implementing the Pomodoro Technique, you need to make a list of the daily tasks related to your Pay per Head Solutions operation, leaving a space for both urgent and unplanned tasks. In the latter you can write down every new task as it arises during the day.
You can also list your tasks in order of importance. In order to create your own list that contains your daily tasks by its true relevance, you can work with the famous Eisenhower Matrix, which separates tasks by “Urgent/Important” and “Not-Urgent/Not Important.”
The Pomodoro Technique in Practice
In order to work with the Pomodoro Technique, you need to have a timer at hand, that you will set for 25 minutes, which is the recommended length of time.
You can also opt for using a shorter time period, but either way; this is what you will refer to as “one pomodoro.”
Working on your Tasks List
Once the timer is on, start working on the first task related to your Pay per Head Solutions business that you previously listed, and don’t do anything that could deviate your attention. For example, don’t even answer the phone if you hear it ringing. Put your full focus to the task at hand.
When you have set the time for your “one pomodoro”, you need to be fair if you want the best results. This means that you can’t split a Pomodoro, such as doing half the time now and the rest later on the day.
Tracking your Progress
This is one of the most important aspects of the whole process. When you start a Pomodoro by setting your timer on, you need to dedicate a full “one pomodoro” to such a task.
Once the timer is over, you will write an X next to the task that you were working on. When you dedicate another “one pomodoro” to the same task, you will write down a new X.
When you track your progress in this way, you will indeed feel a renewed sense of accomplishment.
Sure, you can take breaks between “one pomodoros”, and during such time, you need to avoid at all costs to even thing about the work related to your Pay per Head Solutions operation.
The more you can relax during these breaks, the more energized you will feel when you start a new “one pomodoro”.
The time of your breaks can go from 3 to 5 minutes, and a longer break of 30 minutes can be taken after completing four “one pomodoros”.