There is a big difference between a standard sports betting bookmaker and a price per head bookie.
The first one is the kind that makes things hard on himself by working the old school way. The second kind is the one that has finally realized that conducting his business shouldn’t be that complicated.
Price per Head Bookie: Reasons
This article is dedicated to explain why being a price per head bookmaking agent is better than being a regular bookmaking agent. Here are the main reasons.
No Manual Bet Taking
Unless he wants to spend a lot of cash on overhead costs such as clerks and keeping a betting website full time, a standard bookmaker has to deal with the tedious process of taking wagers himself.
A price per head bookie doesn’t have to deal with this kind of dilemmas because the sportsbook package offered by a premium PPH shop includes both internet and call center bet taking services.
Lines Management
Another benefit of becoming a price per head bookie is that the pay per head shop also offers sports betting line management solutions.
This means that the bookmaker doesn’t have to move lines himself as he counts with a team of experienced professionals whom are doing this ongoing work for him.
However, the price per head bookie does have the option to manipulate any particular line at any time.
Agent Software
Although a team of skilled individuals at the offshore pay per head shop’s headquarters is running most of the price per head bookie operation, the agent still has full control over his sports betting business thanks to special sportsbook software.
This is a system comprised with a number of information tools and reports that makes it possible for the bookmaker to keep an eye over the current and past betting action of his players at all times.
This agent software is provided by the pph shop at no extra cost, and it can be viewed either by using a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet or even a smartphone.
Since the pay per head shop is located offshore, this means that the bet taking side of the sports betting operation is taking place overseas, in a country like Costa Rica, where these types of businesses are legal to work as they are regulated by local laws.
Doubtless, this is a factor that is quite attractive because it removes a lot of the legal paranoia that usually comes as a side effect of running a bookmaking business.
Personalized Solutions
A large pay per head shop is able to provide a price per head bookie with his own wagering website and his own 800 toll free number, both of can only be accessed by the agent’s clients.
To the eyes of a player, a pph bookmaker is able to deliver the same quality service as that offered by a big-time online sportsbook.
The only difference is that offering these solutions to players comes to a fraction of the cost for the price per head bookie. This means that clients are getting all the goodies while the agent gets all the savings. All in all, this is certainly a win-win deal.
Finally, it is important to mention that a reputable pay per head shop not only offers sports betting and racebook solutions, but also casino services.
A price per head bookie that works with a large pph shop can still capitalize on his clients even when sporting and horse wagering action is slow.
As you can see, the reasons to become a pph bookmaker certainly surpasses the reasons for not doing it, so if you are an agent that is looking to expand your business without having to reach down in your pocket, then give pay per head services a try and you surely won’t regret it.