Price per Head Bookie: Your WHY and the Subconscious Mind

What is your price per head bookie company’s WHY? If you really want your sports betting and gaming business to thrive, you need to be clear about your own organization’s WHY.

Price per Head Bookie: Your WHY and the Subconscious Mind
Price per Head Bookie: Your WHY and the Subconscious Mind

For some price per head bookie companies the WHY is obvious, but for others, the task of uncovering it is more challenging.

When you know your own WHY, it will be definitely easier for you to make the correct choices time and time again.

This WHY resides deep inside your subconscious, and that is the main reason why sometimes it is difficult to decipher it because for every bit of information in your conscious mind, there are billions of bits in your subconscious.

So, when you manage to source the data in your subconscious when you need to, this is the right key to operate in the “zone.”

For example, when you find yourself hitting a perfect golf shot automatically, it is because you have managed to tap into your subconscious, and the same applies for your price per head bookie business.

When great ideas that can help you improve your bookmaking and casino organization pops into your mind, you are right there tapping into your subconscious.

Your subconscious is always hard at work, but this work is done in the background, surfacing only when the subject needs it the most.

And, in order to get more in touch with your subconscious, it is always a good idea to engage in activities such as yoga, biking, jogging and meditation, as they can help you achieve mindlessness, and as a result, mind clarity.

Your subconscious can also come handy when it comes to dangers that can hurt your price per head bookie business as it can send you warning signs.

All in all, your subconscious is directly related with your instinct, so, when you hear that voice inside of you telling you to move in a given direction, trust it, as it is your subconscious sending you subtle messages about what you should do (or shouldn’t).



Price per Head Bookie: Saying No, Goals


Saying No

When you focus on you WHY, and are clear on your big goal, you will not find it difficult at all to say “no, thank you” when you have to. The case is that if you are a successful price per head bookie, doubtless you will be receiving many invitations from people related to a number of different activities, and although this has its positive side, it can also take you off course.

So, it is important for you to say no to activities that are going to consume your time, but that are not going to benefit your personal life, or your price per head bookie business.



Knowing your WHY also allows you to focus on the goals that matters the most. It is definitely a big mistake to continue to add goals without having finished prior ones.

You should start with a new goal for your price per head bookie business, or your life, only when you are done with a previous goal, especially if both are directly related.

If you try to work on many goals, chances are that you are not going to be able to complete any of them. So, your task as the head of your sports betting and gaming organization is to COMMIT and COMPLETE. Doubtless, in this case, less is really more.

You must focus on starting small, thinking big, and scale as fast as possible.


Explore Your Subconscious

In order to start exploring your subconscious, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the WHY of your price per head bookie company?
  • As a leader, have you considered what your personal WHY is? And if so, What is it?
  • What are the places or settings where you feel you can truly relax in order to allow your subconscious to work? If you can’t think of any places or settings, then this is the perfect opportunity to think of what those places can be for you in the future.
  • What are the daily activities that can help you get more in touch with your subconscious? Hint: These are things that help you relax and have a clearer mind.
  • Can you recall a time when your subconscious (it can be in the form of a gut feeling) revealed a good solution or provided clarity?
  • Are you clear about your priorities? Make a list of your current commitments, and do so in order of priority. Then, think about if any of the items in your list can be removed from it.
  • Have you ever said no to a request for your time, or participation in a given activity? Or are you considering saying no to a future one? If so, think about WHY not with the goal of tapping into the clarity or strength that moved you to say no for your personal benefit, or for the benefit of your price per head bookie company.
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