Every bookie should work with a business plan. This plan doesn’t really have to be too lengthy, or even filled with a lot of unnecessary jargon.
Instead, when writing it, you should focus on making it short, and simple, and most of all, realistic.
Things a Bookie Business Plan Must Include
These are the things we believe a good business plan should contain.
You should be able to write the vision related to your bookie business as a single sentence. This is going to be a phrase that is going to accompany you during the road that will ultimately lead you to where you want to be as a sports betting professional.
Write down how you came to the conclusion that bookmaking is a good, profitable business to be in right now. What are the circumstances that are coinciding at this right moment to create the right balance that gives you the opportunity to start a bookie business?
You must also have a clear idea of what your goals are. Write down each one of the goals related to your bookie operation divided in short, medium and long-term goals.
Be as specific as you can about your goals, and make sure that you complete them before their due date.
Write down the name of the positions your need filled when you open your bookie business. You don’t have to write the specific name of a person (if you do, then that is even better), for the moment you just need to write the position that needs to be filled.
Of course it is paramount to add to your business plan information about what are the exact bookie and casino services that you are prepared to deliver to your clients.
This section of your business plan must include info about the price per head company that you are planning to work with, and info on the bookie software that you are going to receive.
Also, write down a section about who your competitors are. Don’t forget to add information on how you are planning to be different than your competition in order to get an edge over them.
Don’t forget to create a marketing section, where you are going to state how you are planning to communicate what you want to communicate to the people that you seek as clients.
It is also very relevant to create a section where you are going to add information about how you are planning to pay for all, and also info on any possible angel investors or any other type of funding.
Also, don’t forget to write the pertinent information about any possible risks attached to running a bookie business, with, or without partners or angel investors.